# Connection

Currently, Cotton supports SQLite3 (opens new window), MySQL (opens new window), and PostgreSQL (opens new window). Cotton provides a connect function which allows you to create a new connection to any supported database.

const db = await connect({
  type: "sqlite",
  database: "./db.sqlite3",

The type option is required, which determine what type of database you're trying to connect. Then, you can pass the other configurations such as database, port, hostname, username, and password.

# Connecting to SQLite

The only configuration that the SQLite adapter care is the database, which is a path to your database file.

const db = await connect({
  type: "sqlite",
  database: "./db.sqlite3",

Or, you can pass :memory: if you just want to store it in memory.

const db = await connect({
  type: "sqlite",
  database: ":memory:",

# MySQL and PostgreSQL

Connecting to MySQL and PostgreSQL is pretty straight forward.

MySQL example:

const db = await connect({
  type: "mysql",
  port: 5432,
  database: "mydb",
  hostname: "localhost",
  username: "root",
  password: "12345",

PostgreSQL example:

const db = await connect({
  type: "postgres",
  port: 5432,
  database: "mydb",
  hostname: "localhost",
  username: "root",
  password: "12345",

Typically MySQL and PostgreSQL database ask for a username and password. However, if there is no password, you can leave it empty.

# Disconnect

Once, you've finished using the database, disconnect it. This can clear more space for you.

await db.disconnect();